Всероссийская олимпиада английскому 7 8.

You are going to hear a teenager, Ben, talking to his sister, Erica, about his best friend, Liam. Listen to their conversation. Decide if each sentence 1–6 is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES . If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO .

1. Erica thinks Ben should see Liam more often.
2. Ben enjoys travelling by road to see Liam.
3. According to Ben, the train costs too much.
4. He says that Liam wants to visit him at weekends.
5. Ben says that Liam and he are still good friends.
6. Erica is sure that Liam knows how Ben feels.

Part 2 «Reading» (15 minutes)

Maximum points – 6

  1. Edwina works for a multinational company with branches in most European countries. She really needs to learn French and German, but she has very little spare time and thinks it could be difficult to find time.
  2. Damian got his job as soon as he left school. He never had the chance to go to university. He isn’t very happy with his job, but he knows he can’t get a better one without a degree. He might try a part-time degree course if it’s not too demanding.
  3. Alice has a lot of time on her hands. She is a very creative person with a lot of imagination, which she really doesn’t use very much right now. She already has a lot of hobbies, but she’d rather learn something new that would let her use her imagination.
  4. Paul doesn’t work; he looks after the children while his wife goes to work. He would like to do something for himself, learn something new or take up a new hobby, but he needs to stay at home.
  5. Rhona is a school teacher. She teaches mathematics, but has always been interested in art and culture. She takes a great interest in the philosophy and civilization of the East. She may go to Vietnam next year.
  6. Philip finds his life boring. He works nine to five, but has no other interests and would like to find something to do in the evening, maybe enroll on a course to learn something new, but nothing too demanding.

A . The Language School

Take courses in more than just languages! You can learn about the culture and the history of the countries where the languages we teach are spoken! We specialize in less common languages spoken in Asia in the Far East.

B . The Internet School

We offer a variety of courses in over a hundred different subjects from accounting to interior design. You don’t have to attend the classes: all courses are offered 100% online. A certificate is mailed to you when you finish.

C . Professional Communication

Language courses in most European languages at all levels, from beginners to advanced. Most of the coursework can be done online and you only need to attend classes once a fortnight on any evening. Ideal for busy professionals.

D . Access to Education

We have courses in economics, business administration and management, leading to a degree. The course programme is extremely flexible, ideal for working students, and uses a combination of online study and face-to-face tutorials. You may attend at a time that is convenient for you.

E . Business Courses

Do you have a head for Business? Our dynamic courses will give you the know-how to keep up in an ever changing business world. Offering everything in between Business Administration and Accounting, we have an opportunity to suit your learning style and needs. Two years of intense studying will lead you to a degree you are dreaming of.

F . The Writing Centre

The Centre offers creative writing courses and workshops for people who are interested in a career as a writer. Lessons are two or three times a week. You can choose between writing a short story or a novel.

G . The Music Academy

We’ve just introduced part-time courses in Jazz singing and/or playing the guitar specially for adults! All lessons take place in the evening. Courses for both beginners and more advanced students available!

Part 3 «Use of English» (20 minutes)

Maximum points – 38

Task 1

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question 13 22 , mark the letter next to the correct word – A , B , C or D . The first one is done for you.

Example answer : 0 A B C D


If you ask many people to (0) ____ a twentieth-century artist, they will suggest ‘Picasso’. Although he (13) _____ born in 1881 and died in 1973, the general public (14) ______ thinks of his work as modern art. His early paintings look traditional (15) ______ us nowadays, but his later work is less easy to understand, (16) ______ seventy years after he did it. One thing students should (17) ______ about Picasso is that he enjoyed a joke. This is clear (18) ______ we look at the drawings he made on dishes and pots. When we try to (19) ______ the importance of Picasso, we must not forget that he was a clever businessman as well as a great artist. Although poor when young, he was excellent (20) ______ selling his work, and he became extremely rich. He believed he was a great artist, and he could (21) ______ other people that he was too. Some people feel that there are other twentieth-century artists who should be (22) ______ famous, but this can only be decided in the future.

0 name call say tell
13 was has is had
14 yet still just already
15 with by to for
16 all that though even
17 remember revise review remind
18 how when where which
19 check consist judge discover
20 in on out at
21 persuade insist decide agree
22 actually presently fairly equally

Task 2

Put each verb in brackets 23–39 in the correct tense and voice forms. The first one is done for you.

An old school friend

When John (0) saw _______(see) the large crowd which (23) __________ (gather) in the street, he wasn’t sure at first what (24) ________ (happen). There were so many people blocking the entrance to the hotel, that he (25) ___________ (have to push) his way through them to get to the door. At the door he (26) __________ (find) two policemen who (27) ________ (try) to hold the crowd back. ‘What on earth (28) __________ (go) on?’ he asked them. Then John noticed that some of the crowd (29) ___________ (hold) placards which read, ‘We (30) _______ (love) you, Sally.’ Of course, that was it. Sally Good was a footballer, the first woman to play for England. Although John wasn’t really interested in sport he (31)__________ (decide) he (32)_________(join) the crowd and wait until she (33) __________ (appear). About ten minutes later, a smiling woman appeared and waved to the crowd. John (34) __________ (take) completely by surprise when she (35) _______ (take) his arm and (36) __________ (say), ‘(37) _________ (you remember) me? I (38) _________ (be) the girl who (39) __________(use) to sit next to you at school.’

Example :

0 saw

Task 3

Quiz. Choose the correct answer.

40. What is the capital of Australia?

  • a) Sydney
  • b) Canberra
  • c) Melbourne

41. The first Moscow Metro line ran from Sokolniki to …..

  • a) Tverskaya Street
  • b) Arbat Street
  • c) Gorky Park

42. Who is the author of the Lord of the Rings?

  • a) J. Rowling
  • b) J.R. Tolkien
  • c) G. Orwell

43. Which country celebrates Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday?

  • a) the USA
  • b) the UK
  • c) Australia

44. What is the name of England’s national saint?

  • a) St. George
  • b) St. Andrew
  • c) St. Patrick

45. Where is the White House located?

  • a) Washington DC
  • b) Washington
  • c) New York

46. The first Russian tsar to be crowned in Uspensky Cathedral in Moscow was

  • a) Peter the Great
  • b) Dmitriy Donskoy
  • c) Ivan the Terrible

47. Which famous battle was fought in England in 1066?

  • a) Battle of Waterloo
  • b) Battle of Hastings
  • c) Battle of Trafalgar

48. Who was the first president of the USA?

  • a) Theodore Roosevelt
  • b) George Washington
  • c) Abraham Lincoln

49. Which English king had six wives?

  • a) Henry IV
  • b) Henry VI
  • c) Henry VIII

50. Which animal may look at the Queen?

  • a) a lion
  • b) a dog
  • c) a cat

Part 4 «Writing» (25 minutes)

Maximum points – 15

In an English-language magazine you saw the following announcement about a competition and decided to participate in it.

Welcome to the Internet!

Win a brand new laptop plus all the essential software and a year’s free Internet access.

Write and tell us about the changes the Internet has brought about in the tourism industry in our country.

We will publish the winning article in next month’s issue.

Write your competition article.

In your article you should :

  • start with a title;
  • make an introduction ;
  • mention at least two positive and two negative changes the Internet has brought in the tourism industry in our country;
  • write if people can rely on the Internet when they travel;
  • give your ideas what the future for the Internet will be in the tourism industry in our country;
  • make a conclusion.

Write 180 200 words.

Total maximum points – 65


Part 1 «Listening»

Part 3 «Use of English»

Task 1

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Task 2

0 Saw 31 decided
23 had gathered/ ‘d gathered /was gathering 32 would join/ ‘d join
24 had happened/ ‘d happened / was happening 33 appeared
25 had to push 34 was taken
26 found 35 took
27 were trying 36 said
28 is going 37 Do you remember
29 were holding 38 am/ ‘m/ was
30 love 39 used

Task 3

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Erica : So, Ben, how often do you and Liam actually get together these days?

Ben : Whenever I can, Erica. Usually about once every two months.

Erica : I don’t think that’s enough, really, to keep a friendship going. Couldn’t you
visit him each month, or ask him to come here?

Ben : Well, it’s a long way to go. More than 400 kilometres, I think.

Erica : How long does it take?

Ben : Over six hours, each way. So you spend half the weekend on the coach, going
up and down the motorway. It’s so boring.

Erica : How about taking the train? Wouldn’t that be quicker?

Ben : I don’t think I could afford it. The fares are really high.

Erica : Why don’t you get a student travel card? Your tickets would be a lot cheaper.

Ben : Hmm. That’s an idea.

Erica : And Liam could get one, too. Then he could sometimes come here on
Saturdays and Sundays to see you.

Ben : I don’t think he’s keen on doing that. He likes his new town a lot. He wants to
stay there at weekends, he says.

Erica : I see. So you go and see him, but he never comes here.

Ben : I’m sure that’s because there’s so much to do there. It’s an exciting town, and I
know he’s made new friends there. But we get on really well and we are not suddenly
going to stop being friends.

Erica : No, I’m not saying that at all. But maybe you need to remind him that you’ve
been friends since you were little kids. And tell him how important a friend he is to
you. He might not realise that, especially with all the changes in his life right now.

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

I (школьный) этап

Английский язык

7-8 классы

Комплект для учителя

Общее время выполнения работы – 90 минут

Максимальное количество баллов – 70

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса входят:

2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса

3. Текст задания

4. Ключи

5. Бланк ответа (для каждого участника)


Понимание устного текста (Listening)

На выполнение заданий отводится 10 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Задание предъявляется дважды.

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 7.

Понимание письменного текста (Reading)

Задание по чтению направлено на понимание текста. От ученика требуется прочитать и понять текст, затем, прочитав высказывания под текстом, сделать альтернативный выбор (правильно/неправильно). На выполнение задания отводится 20 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 8.

Лексико-грамматический тест (Use of English)

Всего в данном блоке 35 вопросов.

Учащиеся должны продемонстрировать соответствующий уровень владения лексическим материалом и умение оперировать им в условиях множественного выбора

Первое задание - это текст, содержащий пропуски. Учащемуся требуется проявить знания грамматики и лексики и вставить в пропуски по одному слову, предложенному из выбора. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 10.

Во втором задании необходимо выразить лексическую фразу одним словом. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 14.

Третье задание требует от учащегося знания правил употребления артиклей, степени сравнения прилагательных, видовременных форм глагола и т.д. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 11.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Письменная речь (Writing)

Задание представляет собой небольшую письменную работу (письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения). Рекомендуемое количество слов – 80-100. При проверке данного задания стоит обратить внимание на то, что работа проверяется и оценивается даже, если количество слов будет недостаточным или, наоборот, будет превышать норму. В этом случае по критерию «Содержание» будет ниже количество баллов.

Максимальное количество баллов – 20. Рекомендуемое время для выполнения задания – 35 минут.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Процедура проведения конкурса

Общие правила

  • Перед входом в аудиторию участник должен предъявить паспорт.
  • Участники должны сидеть в аудитории на таком расстоянии друг от друга, чтобы не видеть работу соседа.
  • Участник может взять с собой в аудиторию ручку, очки, шоколад, воду.
  • В аудиторию не разрешается брать бумагу, справочные материалы (словари, справочники, учебники и т.д.), пейджеры и мобильные телефоны, диктофоны, плейеры и любые другие технические средства.
  • Во время выполнения задания участник может выходить из аудитории только в сопровождении дежурного.
  • Участник не может выйти из аудитории с заданием или листом ответов.

Процедура проведения

Каждому участнику перед началом выполнения заданий выдается лист ответов (Answer Sheet ) и двойной Титульный лист и проводится инструктаж на русском языке по процедуре проведения Олимпиады, заполнению листов ответов и по порядку их сдачи после окончания работы :

  • Участники заполняют Тит ульный лист с указанием названия работы, номера школы, класса, ФИО.
  • По окончании работы заполненный Лист ответов вкладывается в Титульный лист и отправляется в пункт шифровки.
  • Исправления на листах ответов ошибками не считаются; однако почерк должен быть понятным; спорные случаи (о или а) трактуются не в пользу участника.
  • Задания выполняются только черными или синими чернилами/ пастой (запрещены красные, зеленые чернила, карандаш).

Перед прослушиванием отрывка член жюри включает запись и дает возможность участникам прослушать самое начало записи. Затем запись выключается, и член жюри обращается к аудитории с вопросом, хорошо ли всем слышно. Если в аудитории кто-то из участников плохо слышит запись, регулируется громкость звучания, и устраняются все технические неполадки, влияющие на качество звучания. Затем запись включается с самого начала, не останавливается и прослушивается до самого конца.

Участники могут ознакомиться с вопросами до прослушивания.

Процедура аудирования записана на диск. ПОСЛЕ ПЕРВОГО ПРОСЛУШИВАНИЯ ЧЛЕН ЖЮРИ ВКЛЮЧАЕТ ЗАПИСЬ ПОВТОРНО. Запись задания на диске предъявляется 2 раза подряд (допускается техническая пауза в 10-15 секунд).

Во время аудирования участники не могут задавать вопросы членам жюри или выходить из аудитории, так как шум может нарушить процедуру проведения конкурса.

Время проведения конкурса ограничено временем, необходимым для прослушивания представленных заданий. Каждое из заданий предъявляется дважды.

Участникам раздаются тексты заданий и бумага для черновиков. В тексте заданий даны все инструкции по выполнению заданий. Участники получают чистую бумагу для черновиков, черновик сдается вместе с листом ответов. Однако проверке подлежат только листы ответов. Черновики не проверяются.

Член жюри в аудитории должен зафиксировать время начала и окончания задания на доске.

За 15 и за 5 минут до окончания работы член жюри в аудитории должен напомнить об оставшемся времени и предупредить о необходимости тщательной проверки работы.

После окончания времени выполнения заданий, листы ответов собираются.

Сразу после написания олимпиады, работы участников передают руководителю ШМО. Проверка работ осуществляется под руководством опытного руководителя дающего указания и инструкции группе проверяющих преподавателей. Критерии оценивания в виде таблицы выдаются на руки каждому проверяющему.

Критерии оценивания

III место

От 50% до 69%

II место

От 70% до 90%

I место

От 91% до 100%







  1. Eisteddfod is the best known festival in England.
  1. The festival is held twice a year.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The festival has great medieval history.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The festival takes place in the town.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The Chief Druid is the main character of the festival.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The bard of the year is not awarded.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Only folk art is presented at the festival.
  1. True 2) False 3)Not stated




In a normal life a person sleeps for about twenty-five years. But why do we sleep? The simple answer is: we don’t know. We need more sleep when we are young. A baby sleeps for about ten hours. A teenager sleeps for about eight and a half hours. An adult sleeps for seven or eight hours. Old people need only five or six hours.

There are two kinds of sleep. When you go to sleep you go into deep sleep. Your temperature falls, your body relaxes, and you breath slowly. After about half an hour you go into active sleep. This is also called rapid eye movement sleep (or REM sleep), because your eyes move. You dream in both deep sleep and REM sleep, but in REM sleep you dream in pictures. If you wake up in REM sleep you can usually remember your dream. Your body spends about twenty minutes in REM sleep and then goes back into deep sleep for an hour.

Do you ever talk or walk in your sleep? People sleepwalk in deep sleep and sleepwalkers do amazing things. They open doors and windows, they ride bicycles and drive cars. They cook, they take a bath or a shower (often in their pyjamas), they shave, they clean their teeth, they get dressed, they dig the garden and do other things.

Sleepwalkers are asleep, but they have their eyes open and they can see. They can’t wake up easily. If they do, they can’t remember anything. Do you ever sleepwalk? Are you sure? Perhaps you do, but nobody sees you.

  1. Everyone sleeps for eight hours a night.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Teenagers need less sleep than adults.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Some people sleep for only one or two hours.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. REM sleep is the same as active sleep.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. You only dream in deep sleep.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. People sleepwalk in REM sleep.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Sleepwalkers can’t see.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Sleepwalkers remember everything they do.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated




Task 1.

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. It was his ________ for selling the most tickets.

A. prize B. tasks C. news

  1. Most of machines had _________ to earth.

A. expressed. B. covered. C. crashed.

  1. Children often go round the streets raising money for ________.

A. offer B. history. C. charity

  1. She can _________ her chances if she stops smoking.

A. phone B. improve C. depend

  1. What is the _________ of the Forest Service?

A. danger B. bucket C. mascot

  1. Our house had a bad __________ for our neighbourhood.

A. attract B. treated C. reputation

  1. Who got most of the _________ ?

A. life B. votes C. people

  1. Can you ___________ a child from a poor family?

A. pretend B. look C. sponsor

  1. Do you know the ___________ of the Scouting movement?

A. cheaper B. founder C. fever

  1. Is it polite to ________ people?

A. ignore B. untie C. appear

Task 2.

Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.

  1. Full of fear – a_ _ _ _ d
  2. to take the first step – b_ _ _ n
  3. a town where a seat of government is – c_ _ _ _ _ l
  4. the end of life – d_ _ _ h
  5. to come or to go into – e _ _ _ r
  6. very well known – f _ _ _ _ s
  7. to take place – h _ _ _ _ n
  8. to spring over – j _ _ p
  9. the male rule of the country – k _ _ g
  10. a speech to a group of people – l _ _ _ _ _ e
  11. to walk like a soldier – m _ _ _ h
  12. the dark part of each day – n _ _ _ t
  13. not shut – o _ _ n
  14. to put in the ground to grow – p _ _ _ t

Task 3.

Choose the right variant:

  1. I … learn the French language.

A . am not B. don’t C . isn’t

2… anyone … this car? No, it’s free, you can take it.

A . Do … use B . Are … using C . Is … using

3. I … this sandwich. I’m not hungry.

A. Don’t want B. have moved C . doesn’t want

4. I … the dishes before mum came back from her work.

A. washed B . was washing C. had washed

5. … it … raining yet?

A. Has … stopped B. Had … stopped C . Did … stop

6. … Tom … home when you saw him?

A . Has … gone B . Did … go C . Was … going

7. James … a new car last month.

A. bought B. has bought C. had bought

8. This house is one of … in the street.

A. higher B. the highest C . as high

9. Let’s go by train. It’s much … .

A. cheap B. cheaper C . the cheapest

10. He was one of the … criminals in the country.

A. dangerous B . more dangerous C . most dangerous

11. I heard a noise. There is … in the cupboard.

A. anything B. nothing C. something



Ты получил письмо от своего друга из Англии по имени Tom Green, который пишет…

… I live in Manchester. I like my city very much but sometimes the people here are not very friendly and they don’t try to keep our city clean and beautiful. And do you enjoy living in a small town? How do you spend your spare time there?
Anyway, I’m thinking of travelling to Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect?

Напиши ему ответ, согласно правилам написания письма другу. Объем высказывания 80-100 слов.


1 Listening

2. Reading

3. Use of English

Task 1. Task 2. Task 3.

















1 Listening

2. Reading

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

по английскому языку для 7-8 классов.

Школьный этап .

    Listening. Time 10 minutes.

Listen to the text and choose the right variant.

1 . An unusual circus will be opened in … .

A) England B) Scotland C) Wales

2. There are … performing mice in the circus.

A ) eight B ) twenty seven C) seventeen

3. The performance lasts … .

A ) fifteen minutes B ) thirty minutes C) an hour

4. … people can watch the show at a time.

A) Eight B) Seven C) Twenty seven

5. The mice won’t perform if they are … .

A) hungry B) angry C) frightened

6. The National Centre for Languages is worried because young people don’t study … .

A) at school B) at university C) foreign languages

7 . Last year … percent of secondary school students took a foreign language.

A) forty four B) seventy one C ) four point five

8 . In 1997 … pupils took a foreign language than last year.

A ) fewer B) less C) more

9. The number of UK students taking modern languages has … since 2002.

A) decreased B) increased C ) not changed

10. The National Centre for Languages wants young people to … .

A) study English B) travel more C) speak foreign languages

II.Reading. Time: 15 minutes

Task. 1 Match the titles and the letters

    Problems with mum

    Three’s a crowd

A) I"ve got a terrible problem. I"ve got a lot of spots on my face. My mum doesn"t understand the problem. She says it"s just acne and she says it"s normal. But I don"t want to go out because everyone laughs at me. What can I do?

Tim, Birmingham

B) I"m 16 and I"ve never had a boyfriend. But I"m not surprised. I"m fat, my hair"s a mess and I haven"t got any good clothes. My friends have all got boyfriends, but I"m so unattractive, I can"t see how anyone could Iove me. It"s not fair.

J asmine, Liverpool

C) There"s a gang of kids at our school who are making my life hell. A few weeks ago they asked me for money. I said No, but then they pushed me and hit me. Like a fool, I gave them my bus fare and so I had to walk home. But that was only the start of it. Every day after that they asked for more. I started taking money from my mum"s purse to pay them. Now I can"t face them any more. I haven"t been to school for over a week. I"m so frightened. Please help me. I can"t talk to anyone else about my problem.

Nicola, Edinburgh

D) My girlfriend and I love each other very much, but her mother doesn"t like me at all. A couple of weeks ago, I took her home after midnight. There was a big argument and now I"m not allowed to go to her house any more. We have to meet in secret.

Robert, Bedford

E) My boyfriend, Steve, and I never go out on our own. He always brings his best friend with him, when we have a date. He says that he feels guilty if he doesn"t invite his friend. But what about me?

Liz, Carlisle

Task 2. Read the text and do the task below.

Big Red London Buses.

What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben? St Paul"s Cathedral? Can it be the big red London double-decker bus?

It certainly can be. Every day, thousands of Londoners use the big red buses to move around the town. Every tourist knows that a one-day London bus pass can be used on all bus routes. London bus can offer a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain"s capital city.

Since 1911 the big red motor bus has been London"s "king of the road". The idea of the "double-decker" is much older than the motor bus. Until the 1930s the "double-decker" bus had no roof. Some passengers sat inside, and the rest travelled on the roof. It was too bad if it was raining! But then all new buses became equipped with roofs over the upper deck.

Today the only open-topped buses are the special tourist buses.

The most popular buses are those from the "Routemasters" which date from the 1950s and 60s. It is popular because it has an open platform at the back end and passengers can climb on and off when they want, even if thebus is moving (though this is not recommended!). These buses were designed specially for London, by people who knew what London needed. They have served their purpose well!

Choose the right answers.

6) How do the Londoners use the big red buses?

a) They use them to move to another countries.

b) They use them to move around town.

c) They don"t use them at all.

7) What kind of a London bus pass offers a wonderful way to see the sights?

a) a one-day bus pass

b) a seven-days bus pass

c) a three-days bus pass

8) How were all new buses equipped?

a) They were equipped with upper decks.

b) They were equipped with roofs.

c) They were equipped with new wheels.

9) How are open-topped buses used?

a) as special tourist buses

b) as special buses for workers

c) as special buses for students

10) Why is the "Routemaster" the most popular bus?

a) Because it is the fastest bus.

b) Because it is the warmest bus.

c) Because passengers can climb on and off when they want in this bus.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

III. Use of language. Time: 15 minutes

Task 1. Read this piece and fill in the blanks with the best items chosen from the list below. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the answer sheet.


Mark Twain, 1 ____________ lived from 1835 to 1910, is one of America’s most famous authors. He wrote many books, 2 ____________ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain’s own life was 3____________ enough to be a book.

Twain was born in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River. He 4___________ from a poor family. His father died when he was twelve, 5____________ he had to leave school. While he was still a boy, he worked as a riverboat pilot. He steered boats up and down the long Mississippi River.

The Civil War, which started in 1861, made traveling on the Mississippi impossible. Twain then went west to Nevada. There he worked with a newspaper. In 1864 he went to California to find gold. Twain did not have much 6 ____________ as a gold miner. He left California to travel in Europe. Twain wrote a book about his trips around Europe.

But the most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River. When Twain finally settled down, he lived in a house with a porch that 7____________ like the deck of a riverboat. Huckleberry Finn, Twain’s greatest book, is about the adventures of a boy on the Mississippi River. 8 ____________ of Twain’s books is called Life on the Mississippi.

In fact, even the name of Mark Twain comes from the Mississippi. Mark Twain’s 9 ____________ name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. On the river Samuel Clemens often heard the boatmen shout “Mark Twain”. This 10____________ the water was twelve feet deep. When Samuel Clemens began to write he chose for himself the name Mark Twain.

Very interesting

Task 2 . Choose the right variant

11. I __________ 50 years old in 2030.

A is B am C will be D am being

12. There aren’t __________ students in the class today.

A much B some C many D none

13. Excuse me? Can I buy __________ green apples please?

A a few B less C a bit D a little

14. Sorry, we have __________ green apples.

A no B none C any D nothing

15. Sorry, I __________ here on Thursday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is B ’m C ’ll be D won’t be

16. __________ my brothers live in the U.S.A.

A Neither B Both C Any D None

17. When it rains we __________ inside.

A go B went C are going D goes

18. What __________ you do if it rains?

A shall B will C are D have

19. If you throw a stone into the water, it __________.

A sinks B sank C sunk D is sinking2

20. They are fond ___________ football.

A in B of C at D by

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

V. Writing. Time: 20 minutes

Imagine that you are going to visit a museum soon. Write an e-mail to your friend and ask her/him to join you. Do not write down the address. Do not forget to write about:

    the date and the name of the museum you are going to visit

    why you want to go there

    the programme of your visit.

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 80 - 100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Answer sheet.


III. Use of language

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

Keys to the task:


III. Use of language

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

Критерии оценивания и подсчет баллов

Listening –максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Reading - максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Use of English - максимальное количество баллов 20. Задание проверяется по ключам. Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

Writing - максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание оценивается по критериям оценивания.

При подведении итогов баллы за все конкурсы суммируются.

Максимальное количество баллов за все конкурсы – 50 баллов.

Английский язык. Задания, 7-8 класс.


Task1. Listen to the text and choose the right answer.

1. According to the text O’Neill

a) was the king of England

b) cut off his hand as it hurt

c) was in the fastest boat

d) became the king of Ireland

2. According to the text the other Viking leader

a) was not as clever as O’Neill

b) cut off his left hand

c) didn’t want to become a king

d)reached the Irish land first

3. The text you’ve heard is

a) a real historical event

c) a scary story for children

d) an old Irish anecdote

4. The best title for the text is

a) Irish monarchy

b) How Ireland got its king

c) O’Neill and his army

d) A red right hand

5. The symbols of Ireland now are

a) the shamrock and the crown

b) the red hand and the arrow

c) the red hand and the shamrock

d) the rose and the eagle

Чтение .

Task 2. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

    Once the king showed a new portion of his stories to a well-known critic. The critic decided to tell the truth and said that the stories were bad and poor.

    When the critic was brought to the palace the king asked him about the stories again. But the critic said he would rather get back to prison.

    Of course people were afraid of criticizing the king so they had to lie. Everyone said the stories were extremely good, which was not at all true.

    An old king liked to write stories which he thought were very good and professional. He showed them to everyone and asked what those people thought.

    After some time the king thought he had been too cruel and decided to set the critic free. He sent his men to the prison and told them to bring the man to the palace.

    The king got very angry with him and ordered his men to take him to prison. Sothe critic was sent for telling the truth.

Лексико - грамматическийтест .

Task3. Choose the right answer.

    I finished the project but my friends didn’t finish…………..

a)them b)theirs c)their

2. It’s taken me a long time to clear away the……….. toys.

a) children b) children’s c) childrens’

3. I think Germany …… win the football match.

a) is going to b) shall c) will

4. She is very busy today. She ……… letters since morning.

a) has been typing b) is typing c) had been typing

5. John ….. down the road when he fell.

a) walked b) was walking c) had walked

a) the cleverest b) clever d) cleverer

7. There is ….. in the cupboards. We have to go to the supermarket.

a) everything b) nothing c) anything

8. Yesterday … 5 p.m. they were cooking dinner

a) on b) at c) in

9. He is fond … doing sports.

a) at b) of c) on

10. You … water flowers. I’ve already done it.

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) needn’t

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

    The……… on a …….. is called fur. a) hare b) hair

    Have you ever heard a fairy…..about the cat with no …… ? a) tale b) tail

    The sky was clear ….. but the wind …. from the north. a) blue b) blew

    After his illness John felt … for a ……. . a) week b) weak

    He announced which …. of the boys … the game. A) one b) won


Task 5. Complete the dialogue. You have to invite your friend to your granny on the weekend. Try to be convincing and polite. You have to use about 50-55words.

    Hi, Phil! Nothing unusual I think. I’ll stay at home with my lap top.

    Will she? You know I’m not a fan of the country and also I hate mosquitos very much.

    Does she? To tell the truth I like pies, especially with jam. OK then When and where should I come tomorrow?

  • Phil, thank you very much for your idea. I’m so pleased.


Task 6.Найдите соответствия между левым и правым столбиками. (7 фраз и 8 значений)

    You are pulling my leg.

    An experienced person

2.Do you need a hand?

b) to tell something secret

3.I’m pressed in time.

4. Keep a stiff upper lip

d) to offer some help

e) don’t look for problems. It might be dangerous

6.Let the cat out of bag

f) don’t open your mouth

7.Let sleeping dogs lie

g) hide your emotions

h) be in a hurry

Английский язык. Ключи 7-8 класс.

Аудирование. 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c

Чтение. DCAFEB

Лексико-грамматический тест. 1-b, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c

1-b,a, 2-a,b, 3-a,b, 4-b,a, 5-b,a

Страноведение. 1-c, 2-d, 3-h, 4-g, 5-a, 6-b, 7-e (f- лишний вариант)

На этой странице представлены материалы для подготовки к олимпиаде по английскому языку для учащихся 7 классов. Мы выбрали тестовые вопросы и задания из категории «Reading» (Чтение), которые по своему содержание и уровню сложности соответствуют реальным олимпиадным заданиям. Представленный материал предназначен для ознакомления и может использоваться для практической подготовки на занятиях по английскому языку.

Мы составили комплект заданий олимпиады с ответами для того, чтобы проверка и оценивание знаний не отнимала много времени, а также для того, чтобы дать ученикам возможность готовиться к олимпиаде по английскому языку самостоятельно. Правильные ответы записаны в самом низу страницы.

Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс

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Тестовые задания

1. It’s…..colder today than yesterday.
A) Most
B) More
C) Very
D) Super
E) Much

2. Andrew…..for this company.
A) Works
B) Work
C) has worked
D) am working
E) will works

3. Who’s that girl? … .
A) Is Betty
B) It’s Jane
C) She’s a pupil

4. In his free time he likes … with his friend.
A) playing
B) play
C) plays

5. I … my homework because I left my book in school.
A) can’t to do
B) can’t do
C) don’t make

6. … the room!
A) Not to go into
B) Don’t going to
C) Don’t go into

7. … these three girls do you know?
A) How many
B) Which of
C) What of

8. Last week John … his leg.
A) fell and broke
B) felt and broke
C) fallen and broken

9. Her eyes were as … as the sky.
A) blue
B) blew
C) blow

10. You can’t … jeans to the opera.
A) where
B) wore
C) wear

Открытые вопросы

Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Robin Hood
The story of Robin Hood, the most popular English folk hero of all times, has reached every corner of the Earth. There are many versions of this well-known tale which is about 600 years old. Everybody knows Robin’s friends (Little John, Brother Tuck, Will Scarlet), and the famous Sherwood Forest — Robin Hood’s home and the place where many of his adventures took place. In other countries there are similar stories, such as William Tell in Switzerland, El Cid in Spain or Janosik in Poland, but only Robin Hood has become an ‘international’ hero.

Unfortunately, there is almost no evidence that Robin Hood really existed. Thirteenth-century ballads, fourteenth-century chronicles, a sixteenth-century History of Great Britain, all talk about Robin Hood. However, none of them tells us about the sources they used. In the 1800s and 1900s, historians found two Robin Hoods who lived in the fourteenth century. One of them was even King Edward II’s servant. Later on, other historians found several different Hoods living in different parts of England – Robin was a popular Christian name and Hood was a fairly common surname. It seems that by 1337, the story of Robin Hood was well established. Most probably, he lived around the year 1200.

Today, the legend of Robin Hood has turned Nottinghamshire into a large tourist attraction. In the centre of Nottingham there is Nottingham Castle. Parts of it still recall the time of Robin Hood. Sherwood forest has an excellent visitor’s centre with an attractive display and shop, and some very pleasant walks in the nearby forest. Edwinstowe church, in which, according to tradition, Robin Hood and Lady Marion were married, is one of the visitors’ favourite sites.

Вопрос 1
The story of Robin Hood has been known for 600 years.

Вопрос 2
William Tell, El Cid and Janosik are international heroes.

Вопрос 3
A sixteenth-century History of Great Britain includes a story about Robin Hood.